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Jul 14, 2021

On Inernational Kissing Day

Types of Kisses - there are many

And I'm not an expert in those any

But let me have my little say

On this Special World Kissing Day!

Some are given in the dark

Behind the bushes in the park.

Though these kisses are clandestine 

In spirit and deed pure and pristine.

Some kisses make nary a sound

Still make your hearts go 'pound -pound -pound' !

Some do make a lot of noise- Well  

To Each and every one his choice

Some say it with a flower single

With  Kisses that make your lips tingle

Some Kisses are  techtonic

While some others are Platonic!

The Kiss on the head your parents plant

Putting a price on it? No, You can"t !

The kiss you plant on your wife's forehead

Brings memories of the days courted!

The Kisses you give your children Grand

They sure belong to a different brand.

Hugging them with moist eyes

Can life give you a better prize?

Lovers, parents and friends for long

To whichever group you may belong

Blow them a Kiss and have your say

On Inter National Kissing Day.


  1. Very well translated Ramesh; I am sure Wordsworth will be proud of you.

  2. முத்துபோல முத்தான(முத்தமான)தமிழ் இருக்க
    கிசு கிசுன்னு ஆங்கிலத்தில் பேச வேண்டுமா என்ன?
