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Jul 1, 2018

சங்கடஹரசதுர்த்திப் பாடல்

சங்கடஹரசதுர்த்திப்  பாடல் 

இன்றைய சங்கடஹர சதுர்த்தியன்று கோவிலில் விநாயகரைத் துதிக்கையில் தோன்றிய துதிப்பாடல்.---இந்தப் பாடலில் குறிப்பிடப்பட்டிருக்கும் நிகழ்வு பற்றிய குறிப்புடன்!



கவ்விக்  கரிமுகத் தும்பிக்கை யால்தூக்கி 
அவ்வையைக் கைலயம்  சேர்த்தானை - செவ்விதாய்
எவ்விதத்  துன்பமும் நீக்கிடும் நாதனை
பவ்விய மாகப் பணி.

செவ்விதாய் =, beautifully, elegantly; 2. opportunely.

Auvaiyar was a contemporary and close associate of two noble Siva bhaktas, Sundarar and Seraman Perumal, ruler of the Chera kingdom, both extolled as great Saiva saints in Sekkilar's epic hagiography, the Periyapuranam. One day, near the end of her life, it is said that Auvaiyar was in the midst of her daily worship of her beloved Ganesha. She had a vision in which Saint Sundarar was proceeding to Mount Kailasa, Siva's abode, with his comrade, King Seraman. Sundarar was riding a white elephant, and Seraman was on a white horse. They were as aware of her as she was of them. She became disturbed and tried to rush her worship, filled with a yearning to join her spiritual friends on their last journey.But Lord Ganesha appeared and told her to finish her rituals calmly and without haste, with the promise that she would be taken to Kailasa ahead of her two friends. Thereupon she entered her trance even more deeply and sang the renowned hymn of praise entitled Vinayaka Ahaval. (This great song of religious devotion to Ganesha is sung to this day throughout the Tamil land at the time of Ganesha worship, particularly during the annual Ganesha Chaturthi festival.
As she finished her worship and placed the sacramental offering at His gracious feet, Vinayaka appeared before her, lifted her in His gentle trunk and delivered her to the Sivaloka, to Mount Kailasa, before the two friends arrived. When Seraman Perumal inquired how it was that she had arrived ahead of them, she sang this in her unique and charming Tamil.Agaval means blank poetry and it is a song addressed to Lord Ganapathy. He is addressed as Vinayagar (he who removes obstacles)
(story from from

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